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The French thought that they would be able to repeat the same things that happened in Canada, but my message was quite clear: all the Moldovans and Romanians who collaborated with those from Quebec \/ Canada must be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians, as well as the Poles who collaborated with Moldovans and Romanians during the time when I was an asylum seeker, I must be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians (all Poles without exception and obviously all Romanians and Moldovans, all without exception who collaborated with the Poles!I repeat once more, I publicly wrote that I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of the French authorities and that on September 28 I will be in Paris and I am willing to pass the polygraph test: that I have never worked and am not working for any intelligence service! that no one has the right or had the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf and I have never ever earned money from such activities! I am also ready to pass the polygraph test because I am not a volunteer! that I'm not gay! that I am not a terrorist! that I didn't have and I don't have an apartment or a car! that I have never had sexual relations with a Polish woman! that I don't have children! that I am not a member of Freemasonry! that I am not a volunteer! also I have not invited anyone to Bulgaria and any person who will follow me in Bulgaria from Moldova or Romania or who also have the citizenship of other countries means that they are part of the FSB network!I repeat once more:that I have not worked and do not work for any intelligence service, and that I am ready to take a polygraph test in any EU member country or NATO, that no one had and does not have the right to record or film me or speak on on my behalf or sign on my behalf! that I don't volunteer! that I didn't call anyone in Bulgaria (when I write anyone, that means everyone without exception, even if it's a sister, or mother, or relative or friend)!But the French wanted to promote the Moldovans and Romanians whom I blame for espionage in favor of the Russians!It is enough for the Bulgarians to start investigating this article and espionage and corruption offenses in favor of the Russians will come to light!It is enough for the individual to start talking and they will end up being investigated and imprisoned!What will my enemies do: they will use all resources to cover up the crimes!they will do provocations, humiliations, inventing all kinds of scenarios, but it will end with only one exit! They will go to jail And this is just the beginning!<\/div>\n\n